24th of February
17 Feb by Coach Stacie Nowak
Dear RC Republic FC Families,
We are excited to announce that soccer practice for all age groups will begin on Monday, February 24th, at 5:30 PM. It’s going to be a great season, and we can’t wait to see everyone back on the field!
Here is the practice schedule:
Junior Academy (U6-U8): Practice will run from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
U10 and Older: Practice will run from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
Please ensure that your child comes prepared with:
Shin Guards
Soccer balls are provided by the club, but kids are welcome to bring their own ball. U12 to U10 are size 4 ball, and Junior Acadamy are a size 3. U13 and above are a size 5.
Practice Location:
All practices will be held at Kerr McGee Youth Sports Complex, located at 201 S Downs St, Ridgecrest, CA 93555.
Practice Schedule Update and Coach Information:
We are excited to share that our practice days will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, please note that this schedule may be adjusted if we are unable to fill all coaching positions. If that occurs, practices will be held on Monday and Wednesday for all age groups. Additionally, practice times may be shortened to one hour to accommodate coaches who also have travel team commitments.
Rest assured, your child will have a coach, and you will be informed of the assigned coach on Monday during payment collection.
If you are interested in helping the coaches, please let us know! We can provide a practice plan to help with larger groups, allowing for a more organized and efficient practice experience. This will help ensure that all kids can receive training in small groups, improving the overall experience for both parents and players.
Communication: Our main communication channels for all soccer-related updates will be STACK TEAMS, Facebook, and Instagram. You will receive an email invite to STACK TEAMS soon—please be sure to download the app as this will be an easy way to stay in touch with your coach and receive important updates. Just a heads-up: the notification settings for the app tend to mute by default, so please check your settings to ensure you receive notifications. If you need assistance with the app, I can create a tutorial video to walk you through everything you need to know.
Additionally, if your child moves up to a higher age group due to skill level, please inform me or the coach so we can update your information on the app.
Fundraising for Practice Costs:
To help keep the cost down for practices, we will be doing some fundraising. Our first and easiest fundraiser will be with Pizza Factory, and we may also try a popcorn fundraiser. If you’re concerned about the cost, these fundraisers can help offset the fees!
Fee Payment Information:
All fees of $75 for the full season are due on Monday, February 24th. We will have a table set up by the benches, where you can make payments by Cash, Card, Check, or Venmo. A few already let me know you won’t be there on the 24th, so we will also make sure to take payment on Wednesday. Payment on Wednesday may be limited to Cash, Check or Venmo depending on availability of our board members.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re looking forward to a fun and successful season ahead!
Very Respectfully,
Stacie Nowak
Ridgecrest Republic FC Volunteer Coordinator
Ridgecrest Republic FC Coach
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